Golan Christie Taglia—Springfield
1100 South 5th Street
Springfield, IL 62703
Phone: 217.280.5518
email: JWChipman@GCTSpringfield.law
Golan Christie Taglia
70 West Madison Street
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312.263.2300
Fax: 312.263.0939
email: info@gct.law
Centrally located to better serve you
Golan Christie Taglia’s office in downtown Springfield is focused on serving those in central and southern Illinois. We understand the area and the people who live and do business in it. We’re a mere 10 minutes away from the Property Tax Appeal Board, which enables us to file most documents in person and achieve the utmost effectiveness and efficiency in all we do.
Let’s get started
There is no charge for an initial review of your property tax status.